Information for Providers

Welcome to Courage Medical Alliance.

At CMA we want to offer you the opportunity to understand what Ancillary Services are available for your clinic.  While many privately owned offices are being bought out by big corporations, staying privately owned is becoming more and more competitive in today’s climate.  Dr. Deese, the founder of Courage Medical Alliance fully understands the cost and complexities of owning and operating a privately owned clinic.

Focusing on patient care should be the providers primary focus, however creating enough revenue to fully sustain an office and grow into the future is just as important.

Simply click on your specific specialty icon found below, or use the tabs found on top of this page to start browsing through what Ancillary Services/Products are available for your clinic to excel in the weeks to come.

For a consultation regarding any of our programs, please contact Courage Medical Alliance via phone or email.

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