Over the past decade, the Medicare program has suffered financial loss continually. One primary reason is not collecting patient data to help manage the aging population correctly. By allocating monies through Annual Wellness Visits and Chronic Care Management CPT codes, providers are now being paid to help gather this important data to help offset potential health issues in patients.
While this is good news to healthcare providers, many providers who are aware of these CPT codes are unfortunately billing medicare for what they believe is a proper AWV/ACP/CCV but fall short in documentation. This creates an opportunity for Medicare audits to uncover improper documentation and clawback monies from providers offices.
Take a look at what CMS has to say in a recent article:
CMS officials in a statement said it "is committed to turning the page and ushering in a new era of accountability." The agency continued, "Providing high-quality care to Medicare beneficiaries while being responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars remains a top CMS priority, and we recognize the value data validation and auditing bring to our programs" (Evans, Wall Street Journal, 6/12; HHS OIG audit, 6/7; HHS OIG release, 6/7).
Documentation is vital, so why take a chance that you and or your staff are not meeting the necessary requirements for billing these services.
We have partnered with the best company that offers the option of working directly with the providers and staff in making certain that all documentation and billing is done with accuracy thereby ensuring that no recoupments could be done by CMS.
CPT Codes for these visits are as follows:
If you are already utilizing these CPT codes currently and want a review of the program you are using or if you are a provider and want to start performing these services correctly, please see below.
Fill out the Practice Analysis Survey (PAS) and it will give us insight as to the potential earnings that you may be able to enjoy in the weeks to come. We will contact you on the day and time you designate most appropriate. Talk to you soon!
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