
We have a long history of working with providers such as yourself. You have chosen one of the best fields of medicine to practice in. Surgical procedures are always going to be necessary as our population excels in sports which produces injuries and the aging population is living longer however quality of health is not necessarily keeping up. This also leads to treatments that is necessary prior to surgery being an option.

Listed below are a number of great in office add ons that work extremely well in Orthopedic/Podiatry practices. They are easy to incorporate into practice flow and offer very good reimbursements for a privately owned clinic as well as hospital owned clinics were providers can broaden treatment options as well as create potential bonuses for the clinician.

Fill out the Practice Analysis Survey (PAS) and it will give us insight as to the potential earnings that you may be able to enjoy in the weeks to come. We will contact you on the day and time you designate most appropriate. Talk to you soon!

For a consultation regarding any of our programs, please contact Courage Medical Alliance via phone or email.

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