The World Health Organization, WHO reports that Musculoskeletal conditions are the second largest contributor to disability worldwide, with low back pain being the single leading cause of disability globally.
Managing neurological and musculoskeletal pain day to day is very difficult especially with the changes in government oversight and medication use. Decreases in reimbursement also propose a resounding problem throughout the industry. Laboratory changes in regards to reimbursements have also declined over time however are necessary to a functioning practice. This sets up the opportunity however to seek new add ons for a clinic that is looking for continued positive evolution.
Listed below are a number of great in office add ons that work extremely well in the Pain Management practices. They are easy to incorporate into practice flow and offer very good reimbursements for a privately owned clinic as well as hospital owned clinics were providers can broaden treatment options as well as create potential bonuses for the clinician.
Fill out the Practice Analysis Survey (PAS) and it will give us insight as to the potential earnings that you may be able to enjoy in the weeks to come. We will contact you on the day and time you designate most appropriate. Talk to you soon!
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