Do we at Courage Medical Alliance have something special for you guys. I am extremely excited about our Allergy program!!! So much so, that I am highlighting it in these opening remarks. DEFINITELY, look into this.

Now, back to the opening remarks. Pediatricians unlike other providers do not have many ancillaries to add on because most patient care is not centered around diseases but mostly around temporary conditions. While most Pediatricians are happy not to manage all the things Primary Care and Internal Medicine Providers have to deal with on a day to day basis, they are left with few profitable ancillaries.

Listed below are a number of great in office add ons that work extremely well in Pediatric practices. They are easy to incorporate into practice flow and offer very good reimbursements for a privately owned clinic as well as hospital owned clinics were providers can broaden treatment options as well as create potential bonuses for the clinician.

Fill out the Practice Analysis Survey (PAS) and it will give us insight as to the potential earnings that you may be able to enjoy in the weeks to come. We will contact you on the day and time you designate most appropriate. Talk to you soon!

For a consultation regarding any of our programs, please contact Courage Medical Alliance via phone or email.

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